Austin Vegan Ice Cream Tour Part Four: Unfinished Business

If it wasn’t obvious, I did not finish my vegan ice cream tour on time. Due to the high cost of this specific dessert coupled with the busy air of “back to school”, I made the decision to call off the matter for now.

That being said, I am still determined to hit all of the stops on this tour, even though I was unable to finish in the set time frame. My goal is to perhaps finish by the end of the semester. If I do that, then I have time to space out these ice cream outings and write about different things in between. It just sounds like a good plan to me.

I’ve always struggled with finishing things. I start a lot of stories, but I never find their endings. I start knitting scarves or sewing pillows, but I never finish the product. The same goes for books, TV shows and whatever else you could possibly only get halfway through.

Knowing that about myself, I don’t want it to be a defining quality for the rest of my life. I should take it upon myself to make finishing things a project that I want to start. For example, I still need to finish the issue of The New Yorker that I ordered back in July. And then there’s this tour. I think that’s a perfect place to start.

That’s all I really had to say.

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